What is Hair Fall ?

Hair fall is a very common condition and affects most people at some point of time in their lives. It is normal for an average individual to lose 50-100 hair a day. Those with bald patches or thinning means they are losing hair, somewhat more than when compared others.

Oil massage is the cornerstone for every hair care regime. A regular hair oil massage will help strengthen hair growth, right from the roots to the tip. Apply hair oil on the scalps and give it a soft message.

Benefits of Body Contouring

There are many things that must be taken into cosideration when it comes to the nurturing of hair and blocking the hair fall. The most important is to regularly take good care of our hair by keeping it clean and maintaining it with the use of good natural and cosmetic products available in market. Our methods of everyday washing and drying of hair are very important when it comes to avoiding hair fall

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