What is Laser Hair Reduction?

How does the laser work – Hair has pigment called melanin that gives it colour. Laser works on the colour of hair and on its thickness.

An ideal candidate – Is one who has thick, dark hair.

Number of treatments required – The hair that regrows is much lighter and finer. About 6-8 treatments are required.

Not painful or uncomfortable – The treatment feels somewhat like the snapping of a rubber band. The sapphire chill tip in the laser makes the treatment quite comfortable.

Possible side effects – In trained hands side effects would be minimal. There can sometimes be temporary redness or swelling. To prevent side effects one can do a patch test for sensitive skin. Pre-screening is done at the clinic by trained dermatologist.

Age for treatment – Once you are 16-18 yrs plus and till your hair is black in colour.

Effective Results – After the treatment one can see a reduction in the density and thickness of hair. People with hormonal problem, light hair or those who have experienced laser failure before need to be evaluated (before the start of the treatment).

Areas that can be treated – Laser treatment can be used to remove hair from any part of the body. Common areas are – face, lower face, chin, under arms, arms, chest, abdomen, back, legs, bikini line and body.

Number of sessions required – Usually 6-8 sessions are required to achieve total hair reduction in a particular area. For most patients, the hair removal is permanent. 10% to 20% patients may require ‘maintenance’ treatment sessions once or twice per year.

Time per session – For the face 15-20 minutes; for the body 1-3 hrs. Benefits of the treatment – Faster, relatively painless, FDA approved reliable and sophisticated method of laser hair reduction.

Does Laser have any long term Side Effects?

This is another misconception that People often have viz. Laser has long term side effects. The fact is that laser has no side effects. Our laser technology is a patented technology which is FDA approved and completely safe with no long term side effects.

Temporary side effects like redness, scarring, superficial discoloration of the treated area happens during the procedure but settles down with due post care, as advised by our experts.

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